How to Help
How can I help this organization?
It is estimated that it will cost over six million dollars to build, furnish/equip, and staff each facility.
The specific ways you can support Barnabas Bar Petra include:
- Prayer - We need your prayers. This Organization is unique in what it can offer and the
opportunities and challenges to reach young people, children with disabilities, and hurting families
are overwhelming. So we value your faithful prayers as we attempt to discern the Lord's leading.
- Professional Resources - We seek your involvement as a volunteer at the Rehabilitation
Centers/Camps. We welcome Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Speech and
Language Pathologists, Nurses, Doctors, Dietitians and general camp workers.
- Material Resources – We welcome companies, organizations, and individuals providing
equipment, furnishings, building materials, and rehabilitation equipment.
- Financial Support - We welcome your financial support. All of our resources must be
underwritten through the gifts of organizations, businesses and friends like you. The clients that are
served by Barnabas Bar Petra at the Rehabilitation Centers/Camps will be required to give
financially as able, however this is quite small to what is needed to provide the services. Your gifts
are tax deductible.